Ed ecco un po' di timor, di nuovo...

Ed ecco un po' di timor, di nuovo...
Risaie sulla strada per l'Est -Rice fields on the way to the East

Monday, 28 January 2008

Doubts... it's quite weird how the feeling of starting a new year can get someone trapped in the other feeling of having to change something this year. What difference is tehre between december and january exactely? Not sure... it's like arriving up the hill, on the top after a long walk and ten you can suddenly start to go downhill for a while, and then from september uphill again, yes this is what the year feels like.
So well, now downhill... I went to the districts... meaning outside of the capital... and well sometimes it's incredible how much one can become aware of a tiny little bit of what happens around, and how much instead gets lost and remains faded, in the distance. Every month I assist to people receving food in the capital... in theory they lost their homes in practice nobody really knows... and then this time I met people who lost their food and sometimes their home, or their animals or their clothes, or maybe just their food, but still this is more than enough to get them to eat palm tree roots untill the next food will come, depending on the rain, and on the sun and on the wind for the next 3 months or 6 months... for sure not on the availability on the shelf of the supermarket. This time, to these people, maybe nobody will give anything.

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Laos and the new year...

I have disappeared for a while, I mean not that I usuallly write this blog very often, but well I was on holiday! Soooo nice. I finally got to visit somewhere in Asia... Lao PDR that I didn't know but it's a nice monoparty country... although I didn't quite realise it tilll I got to that chpater on the tourist guide... and till we arrived in the capital city, which well, looks a bit more like that kind of city with big white buildings and interesting flags sticking on every wall. Anyway, Laos is really beautiful and the food, gosh the food is so incredibly good! And the weaving, there are some incredible artifacts... so well, i really enjoyed it! And then Laotian are pretty laid back, not stressed and with a very interesting perception of time, imagine a place that has written on the door somehting like 'close at 11' and it's let's say 9... 'can we still enter? are you still open, because the door it's close...' oh yes, we normally close at 11, but we can open especially for you'...